Plants have evolved a diverse array of strategies to thrive under challenging, variable, and unpredictable environmental conditions. A fundamental understanding of the processes that enable plants to establish and proliferate can help us discern how phenotypic and genotypic diversity is generated and maintained. In our lab, we explore the evolutionary ecology of plants, often in the context of climate change or conservation management plans.
Would you like to learn more about our research?
Check out the research, people, and publications pages of this site, or come by to view the research posters pinned up outside of our lab. You are also welcome (and encouraged!) to chat with Susana about conducting research or to ask current and past lab members about their experiences. Lastly, check out the student-run website for the Biology Department Research Garden for information on why plants are fascinating and important study subjects.
Would you like to learn more about our research?
Check out the research, people, and publications pages of this site, or come by to view the research posters pinned up outside of our lab. You are also welcome (and encouraged!) to chat with Susana about conducting research or to ask current and past lab members about their experiences. Lastly, check out the student-run website for the Biology Department Research Garden for information on why plants are fascinating and important study subjects.
Contact Information
Susana Wadgymar
Biology Department, Davidson College Box 7118 Davidson, NC 28035 USA Office: Wall 119 Lab: Wall 121 _______ Phone: 704-894-2033 _______ Email: suwadgymar (at) _______ Twitter page Google Scholar profile ORCiD |